Spam-Fighters Legal Defense Fund

Spam-Fighters Legal Defense Fund Legal and Privacy Policies

General legal guidelines for using this site

The information contained in this Web site may or may not reflect the most current information. Offers made on this site may have been superseded, or may no longer be available.

If you become aware of errors or omissions on this web site, please contacts us at

The fact that a company or individual's name appears on this Web site should not be taken as an endorsement. Unless otherwise noted, all such references appear solely for informational purposes.

SFLDF may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on this page.

Information contained on the SFLDF site should not be considered legal advice.

Privacy Policy

SFLDF collects personally identifiable information only when you explicitly give it.

SFLDF hates spam and will never share your email address with other parties.

This site uses no cookies or other special tools for tracking users, other than those common to a default installation of the Apache Web server (i.e., Web server logs).

When we collect information, we endeavor to give you options on how we may use it. In some cases (such as collection of credit-card payments), we do not have direct control over how your information is used. Such instances are governed by your agreements with third parties.

If you request anonymity, we will honor that request to the extent permitted by law. We may be required to release this information under subpoena or other court order.

If you believe we have collected incorrect data about you, or you would like any or all personal information deleted from our databases, contact us at Other uses of this address will be ignored. You may also contact us by postal mail at PO Box 1191, Mountain View, CA, 94042

 . legal and privacy notice  . questions?  . all contents copyright 2006, all rights reserved.  . The SFLDF web site is bobby v3.2 approved for improved access for the disabled.  .